Sep 24, 2018
We caught up with marriage and couples counselling expert, Peter
Janetzki, to talk about the science of couples therapy and how his
study of neuropsychotherapy has helped his approach to couples.
Peter Janetzki & Associates commenced in 1994 after Peter completed
working for Scripture Union Queensland as a Youth...
Sep 17, 2018
We continue our chat with Bruce Ecker on the topic of memory reconsolidation. Bruce is the co-originator of Coherence Therapy and co-author of the groundbreaking book Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation; as well as other titles such as the Coherence Therapy...
Sep 10, 2018
This week we talk to Bruce Ecker, MA, LMFT, who is the co-originator of Coherence Therapy and co-author of the groundbreaking book Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation; as well as other titles such as the Coherence Therapy Practice Manual & Training Guide; and
Sep 7, 2018
Sep 3, 2018
Kitti from the USA and Graz from New Zealand have both asked if we would talk about spirituality, meditation and imagination. So we thought we would talk a little about what we know.
The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation – Tang Holzel and Posner 2015 Nature Review Neuroscience. This is a...