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The Science of Psychotherapy

For more great science of psychotherapy go to our website The Science of Psychotherapy


Oct 29, 2018

While Richard explores Europe while teaching Mirroring Hands, Matt is on the grindstone churning out some valuable content for you (and he's NOT at all jealous of Richard being in Europe... not at all... really... I mean Matt's got his internet connection and stack of books in his windowless office with a broken aircon...

Oct 22, 2018

Today we talk with Micaela Monteiro-Haig, who is a naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and eating psychology coach with a special interest in mental health. She practices in Brisbane Australia with a team of psychologists and counsellors.
Micaela has a few articles in The Neuropsychotherapist - The Gut as a Key Player...

Oct 15, 2018

Today we discuss two questions from a listener about the hippocampus and mirror neurons:

1. What is the main purpose of the hippocampus in the limbic area?
  • Interesting article by Dr. Robert Moss called the Hippocampus and Memory

Oct 8, 2018

Today we talk with therapist Kate Cohen-Posey as she addresses topics such as

  • Why speaking in anger makes people temporarily insane and stupid!
  • How does a knowledge of the refractory period encourages clients to use active listening?
  • How understanding the ventral vagal social engagement system encourages clients to...

Oct 1, 2018

Today we are answering a question from Maria Ruberto who says, "I would love to know more about the role of the cingulate cordate/cortex - it's role from the limbic system to PFC in terms especially in the processing of emotions. I am doing some work with clients around how emotions "move" and are translated in the...